Pets On Bonfire Night

Posted by Becky on 31st October 2022

Pets On Bonfire Night

Pets On Bonfire Night

Fireworks can be a scary time for our little (and big) fury friends. There is nothing more upsetting than seeing our pets get worked up, especially when they are petrified, shaking and panting uncontrollably. Although we may not be able to eliminate the fear on the night, there is certainly a few things that we can try.

Provide a calming environment. Sometimes the way we react can have an impact on our pet’s behaviour. When your pet is scared of fireworks it’s so easy to tense up and react the moment we hear them (guilty!). The best thing we can do is try and remain calm and allow our pets to come us if they wish. My dog finds comfort in lying close to either me or my husband as soon as he hears them. You can then comfort them by giving them a gentle massage (my dog loves his ears being gently massaged) or some gentle petting. Provide a safe space they can retreat to. For cats, beds and towers often provide an enclosed space for them to hide. For dogs we can cover a crate and leave the door open.

• Lavender – Lavender and chamomile are an effective olfactory stimulation. A study by Lynne Graham, Deborah L. Wells, & Peter G. Hepper, (2004) found that both chamomile and lavender increased activities suggestive of relaxation for dogs in rescue centres. You can purchase candles already infused with lavender and chamomile or buy oils which you can place in an oil burner. This will not only help your dog to relax, but it may also benefit us as owners as well as making our homes smell nice!

• Calming music – Classical music can be effective to play during firework displays as its calming and can be used to drown out the sound of fireworks. The RSPCA and Classic FM have teamed up and are playing classical music to calm pets on bonfire night. Pet Classics, our special programme to calm pets on Bonfire Night, returns for 2022 - Classic FM. You can also find playlists on youtube.

• Close windows and curtains – You probably already have your windows closed as the temperature has dropped this time of year but closing your curtains can help muffle the sound of fireworks and block out the flashes from the fireworks.

• Thunder shirt – These shirts are designed to apply a gentle constant pressure which is both natural and effective. They also recommended by vets! ThunderShirt for Dogs: Effective & Gentle Solution | ThunderShirt. I haven’t tried these yet myself, but I am very keen too!

These are just a few suggestions to try. I personally have never used sprays or plugins for my dog so unsure on how effective they are. I will be implicating some of these with my dog and am very keen to try lavender!

Preparation is key! If you have it ready now you can put them in to place as soon as you are aware of bonfire nights and firework displays near you or when one unexpectedly starts!


Lynne Graham, Deborah L. Wells, Peter G. Hepper,

The influence of olfactory stimulation on the behaviour of dogs housed in a rescue shelter,

Applied Animal Behaviour Science,

Volume 91, Issues 1–2,


Pages 143-153,

ISSN 0168-1591,
