Pet Visits

Pet Visit
Up to 15 minutes
Up to 30 minutes
Additional fee charged on Saturdays £2.
Additional fee charged on Sundays £3.

Whether you are going away on holiday, working late, or simply require a welfare check, The Pet Hand offers drop in visits for those little fury and feathered friends, allowing them to stay in the comfort of their own home. A free meet and greet session must be arranged prior to the start of services.


Long day at work? Your dog may benefit from a visit to break up their day. Whether they need a toilet break, some playtime to beat the boredom, or just some company, The Pet Hand will ensure you dog is well cared for. Visits can be particularly beneficial for young or old dogs, dogs that are undergoing medical treatment, or those recovering from surgery.

Each visit includes:

  • 30 minute slots.
  • Changing water bowls and feeding if required.
  • Time spent playing, fussing, cuddling, or simply providing your dog with some company.
  • A welfare check, to ensure your dog is healthy and hasn’t sustained any injuries.
  • Letting them out in the garden for a toilet break or taking for a quick walk around your neighborhood.
  • Before leaving I'll give your dog a treat or two, and ensure they're safe and comfortable until you return home.
  • Pictures, videos and updates given after each visit.
  • Clearing up any accidents.
  • Option to book multiple slots, including a late night and early morning check if you prefer your dog to be at home.

Limited availability for overnight sitting. Please contact me to discuss and check for availability.


Some cats may find catteries and travel stressful. Visits can allow your cat to be cared for at home whilst you are away, allowing them to remain where they feel happy and comfortable and enable them to continue their normal habits without added stress.

Each visit includes:

  • 15 and 30 minute slots available. Your pet will receive the full time.
  • Feeding and changing water.
  • Quality time spent with the cat(s) either grooming, playing, lap time, or simply just giving them some love. During this time an overall welfare check will be done to ensure they are healthy and eating and drinking well.
  • Letting in/out. Please note it is advised that during visits your cat is kept indoors. If you do wish for your cat to go out this will be discussed during the free meet and customers must be aware of the risks (See terms and conditions).
  • The litter tray will be checked on each visit and will be changed and cleaned accordingly.
  • Daily updates with pictures and videos will be sent so you can rest at ease knowing your cat is well cared for, or just feel happy to see a picture if you are missing them!
  • Option to open and close windows and curtains and turn on/off lights if you are away on holiday.
  • After each visit you house will be checked to make sure it is safe and secure.

Rabbits, Rodents, Birds & Fish

Does your small pet get stressed when moved from their home? Pet visits can be extremely beneficial, and I cater for all small pets.

Here are some of the pets I cater for:

  • Rabbits
  • Guinea Pigs
  • Hamsters
  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Gerbils
  • Chinchillas
  • Fish
  • Chickens
  • Game Birds
  • Birds

Each visit includes:

  • 15 and 30 minute slots available.
  • Feeding and a change of water each day.
  • Time spent grooming or letting them spend some time outside in a run.
  • Ensuring animals have adequate enrichment.
  • Chopping up and giving fresh food if required (must be supplied by customer).
  • Weekly clean out (30 minute slot required, fish not included).
  • Daily updates with pictures and videos so you can rest assured your pet is happy and comfortable.
  • Checking your home is safe and secure when leaving.
  • Option to open and close windows/curtains and turn on/off lights.