Terms & Conditions

  1. General terms
    1. Prior to confirming a booking, an initial consultation must be booked to discuss the animals/customers’ needs. The customer will be required to complete a registration form and by doing so will agree to the following terms and conditions. This initial consultation is free of charge.
    2. The Pet Hand will treat all data about clients as strictly confidential and will never pass on addresses to third parties unless required for emergencies.
    3. All animals must be micro-chipped.
    4. The Pet Hand is fully insured. Dogs must be insured, including third party liability. The Pet Hand will not reject horses, Cat’s, and small animals if not insured, however it is advised and customers must be aware of the risks (please refer to point 1.8).
    5. The customer will be responsible for informing The Pet Hand of any medical issues, ongoing treatment, or health problems related to their pet(s) prior to first service.
    6. The customer must provide The Pet Hand with emergency contact details and the name of their pet’s registered Veterinary practise. Should an emergency arise and the contact is unavailable, The Pet Hand reserves the right to contact the registered veterinary practise and decide with the vet what is best for the animal. The Pet Hand will continue to contact the emergency contact. If the desired veterinary practise is unable to see the animal or their pet is not registered at a veterinary practise, The Pet Hand reserves the right to contact an alternative Veterinary Practise.
    7. The Pet Hand will do everything they can to ensure the safety and welfare of the animals and will monitor them closely. The Pet Hand will not be held responsible for any injuries that may occur to the animal or attacks on other animals.
    8. The Pet Hand will inform the owner straight away of any incidences or injuries that occur or any behavioural changes that they believe the customer should be made aware of. The customer will be responsible for any veterinary bills, no matter how they incurred whilst in the care of The Pet Hand. This includes emergency charges and call out fees.
    9. The Customer will inform The Pet Hand of any unwelcome, aggressive, and dangerous behaviour that may cause any person or animal harm.
    10. The customer is responsible for informing The Pet Hand of any allergies or sensitivities.
    11. The Pet Hand is responsible for sending an invoice to the customers. Full payment needs to paid within 7 days of invoice.
    12. Should the customer wish to cancel services, the required notice is 24 hours. If less than 24 hours’ notice is given the customer will be charged at full rate.
    13. For marketing purposes, The Pet Hand may wish to upload pictures of your animals on to social media platforms. This will be discussed during the initial consultation and the client reserves the right to say no.
  2. Dogs
    1. All dogs must be up to date with vaccinations, wormers, and flea and tick treatments.
    2. If the client prefers their dog(s) to be exercised off the lead, then the client must accept responsibility for any risks and have third-party liability.
    3. The Pet Hand will apply personal judgement on any conditions that may impact the dogs welfare such as environmental conditions (heat, thunderstorms, etc) and will cut the walk short or rearrange for another time of the day.
    4. The Pet Hand will ensure that all dogs are securely restrained during transportation. The Customer will be required to supply collars, leads, harnesses, any food and medication.
  3. Horses
    1. The client must provide The Pet Hand with all contact details during the initial meeting that may be required in an emergency. These include emergency contact details, registered veterinary practise, Farrier, Dentist and yard manager if required.
    2. The client must declare the horse’s temperament being handled, around other horses, and in and outside of the stable.
    3. The Pet Hand will not be accountable for any broken equipment by the horse or pulled shoes.
    4. All horses must have a passport to be shown during consultation.
    5. The customer must supply equipment, such as mucking out tools, head collars, lead ropes, and feed. These must be in good working order.
    6. The customer must ensure that all horses are vaccinated and wormed (or must get their horse worm egg counted) before services commence.
  4. Pet sitting
    1. The Pet Hand will not be held liable for any break ins or vandalism during use of services.
    2. The Pet Hand advises that cats stay in during pet visits, if the customer prefers them out, they must understand the possible incidences that may occur and agree that The Pet Hand will not be held liable for any disappearance, injuries, or death.
    3. The Customer must provide The Pet Hand with a key and ensure the property is easily accessible.
  5. Rabbit/guinea pig boarding
    1. The customer must ensure that the animal is healthy. The Pet Hand will not accept any unhealthy animals, or those that are in poor condition.
    2. Evidence of in date vaccination status must be shown to The Pet Hand before the animals arrives at the property.
    3. All animals are left entirely at the owner’s risk.
    4. The Pet Hand will supply basic housing, food, and enrichment for the animals, however if the animal has specific requirements, it will be the customers responsibility to provide these.