Latest Blogs

Pets On Bonfire Night

Posted by Becky on 31st October 2022

Fireworks can be a scary time for our little (and big) fury friends. There is nothing more upsetting than seeing our pets get worked up, especially when they are petrified, shaking and panting uncontrollably. Although we may not be able to eliminate the fear on the night, there is certainly a few...

Operation Fat Horse To Thin Horse

Posted by Becky on 25th July 2022

This is regarding my own horse, Maddie. Once upon a time her weight used to adapt perfectly throughout the seasons. In an ideal world we should be aiming for our horses to have slightly more weight going into the winter and slightly less heading into spring to allow for the nutritional changes an...

Let's Talk Heat

Posted by Becky on 16th July 2022

With the red weather warning approaching I thought it may be useful to post about some ways in which we can help keep our pets cool. HorsesMost healthy horses will cope ok in the heat, especially if there is shade and a constant supply of fresh water provided...